Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Point of Order

It's 1734hrs. I'm watching the Beat on Ntv. They play my kinda music on Wednesdays. I was researching for an assignment and got so out of track that I finally landed here. Along the way I came across an article on how to make your period shorter. I was so excited seeing as mine goes for 5 whole days! Till I read the part that says 'engage in strenuous exercise'. Need I say I went on with my digression?

So I landed here. Went through my posts and discovered that I sound like some male bashing bitch! Wa! Too much hate and bile and other negative things to only be directed to men. I mean, I hate (dislike) other things but it's just that I haven't bothered to talk about them here. Hee hee.

I don't hate men. Seriously. In fact, I love men. I love how he go about their duties and responsibilities (some of them). I love how he can unconditionally love football and beer and really don't understand what a woman means when she says he is ignoring her. I love how he'd rather spend a Sunday in his boxers just chilling. I love how he defends his woman when some other guy messes with her at the club. I love how he calls his mother 'mummy' like he did when he was 5. I love he thinks his mother is right about everything and how her cooking is the best.

I love how he looks like when things don't go his way because he'll know he's only human. I love how he will never admit it when his heart is broken. I love how he will not tell a woman he loves her but will show it by just the way he looks at her. I love how he will hold a woman when she's down. Arms that fall short of talking to her and telling her it will be ok.

I love how a man will wear his heart on his sleeve for the right woman. I love how he will be true to only her. I love when a man tells his boys that tonight it' just him and his girl.

So much to love about men. That is, if you come across the right one.

This music and my vision of my ideal man are making me feel all mushy inside. Project boyfriend perhaps?

I hope I've sorta cleared some doubt that I do not hate men :-)

It's 1759hrs.



  1. hahahahaha no comment, i love the fact that you spent a teeny weeny bit of your time telling us how u love us

  2. Someone's gotta love you! lol!
